It’s been 9 months and 4 weeks since I last wrote to you. An update is much overdue.
I can’t tell you exactly what happenned in that period, but what I do know is that I feel like a different person now. It provoked a much needed shift in my consciousness.
I wouldn’t change that time for the lessons it gave me, but I wouldn’t like to live through it again. Extraordinary personal growth propelled by setbacks, hard conversations and harsh realities. I’ve been hardened and wiser because of it. I see now what is possible and what are far-flung dreams that will never become reality.
We made progress, yes. But progress came at huge cost. Farming on a small, developing Caribbean island is no easy feat. Change is difficult, living through it even more challenging.
I’ve had a chance to put together my understanding from that strange time.
Don’t read me wrong— i’m still hella hopeful and excited by Grenada’s potential, I’m just more realistic.
Those of you recovering from a difficult period or going through a time of transition in life may find this helpful. Those of you working in development or looking to make a better change in this world no matter the scale may find our story insightful.
We’ll resurface again soon. Just smaller, better & happier :)
Enjoy Reading. With love,
Words that changed my world:
“Only by caring for the soul can we humans find fulfilment and happiness. Nothing can be achieved in life if the soul is starving“
- Satish Kumar